The Most Exciting Box I Have Ever Opened!
And Why this Book is Important...
I open boxes that come to my doorstep or mailbox every week, (Okay, maybe Amazon prime isn’t a good idea for me.), but I have never had the thrill that I had opening my first box of my own published books. Wow, this is real, I am officially an author. I may never write another book, but all I know is that I needed to write this one. My parent anxiety was at an all time high when my daughter was leaving for college and I needed to get my fears out of my head and onto paper. I had a friend ask me recently a question she was worried I might take the wrong way, on the contrary, I loved it. She asked me, “How are you qualified to write such a book”. I told her being a parent qualifies me. I explained to her it wasn’t a textbook or a novel; it was a poem composed of all the scenarios that created my parent fears as I was about to send my only daughter off to college. I spent a lot of time over the month of August researching my target audience of parents, educators, counselors and organizations that deal with sexual violence. During that process I read disturbing statistics about rape and victimization of not only women, but of people of all genders. I’ve discovered amazing non-profits that have similar mission statements rooted in preventing sexual assault and violence through programs and education as well as supporting victims such as End Rape on Campus, RAINN, Joyful Heart and Raliance to name a few. There are also many state run coalitions against sexual assault all around the country. The time is now, rape culture can change and we can stop sexual violence once and for all. Teaching young people consent is a start. As Raliance says on their website, there is a national appetite for this right now. If this book helps one parent, one educator, one counselor or organization teach one kid, then I’ll feel I did a mitzvah (good deed) by writing it.