Primetime Emmy Gift Lounge, Here I Come!
Becoming a Member of The Artisan Group

It's been a very long while since I blogged, but I have some very exciting news! I was doing the Fine Art and Craft Show in Westfield, NJ the weekend before last and a woman came into the booth and asked me about my work. I was drawing and watercoloring at the time. She took one of my business cards and the next morning I had an email from her asking me to apply to The Artisan Group. She thought my work would fit very nicely with their exclusive group of artists! I couldn't believe it! The Artisan Group is a talented group of artists and craftspeople from all over the country who together provide a wonderful sampling of their amazing handcrafted products to celebrities at major awards show gift lounges.
This September I will have my work in their celebrity “swag” bags at the 63rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards! How totally cool is that! Besides having my product, business card and contact information in their bags, (so all the big stars will know how to reach me to find out more about my products), I will also be displaying a piece of my artwork on their table for the 2-day event. I am so thrilled about being a part of this and hope that you will follow my adventures in preparing for this event on here on this blog. Not only is it a great opportunity for my business, but it's a wonderful way for me to connect with all different creative people I wouldn't have had the chance to before. Reading (and keeping up with) the daily posts from these artists is so inspiring and their work is absolutely beautiful!
I would write more, but I am soooo tired right now and I haven't even checked my email or my Facebook posts since this morning! It's after 2am and I am just about done. I finally got my website and my twitter account to look alike, made some changes, added a matching background to my Dreamers into Doers page on Martha, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to make this blog look like the rest of the bunch... that will have to be tomorrow. You'll have to bear with me on the design and layout until I can figure it out, but in the meantime I wanted to start blogging! Until tomorrow then... nite-nite.