Pay it Forward...
Hello, I'm back. As I say every week, I find it so hard to find time to blog. Yesterday I spent hours cleaning my computer, emails, bookmarks etc. I am constantly bookmarking things and creating folders of information to use later on. Some good and some I can't remember why I bookmarked them! I have folders for inspiration, sources, favorite artists etc.
I've also been busy working on my Emmy prepping. Last week I spent some time deciding what to put in the swag bags. I want to represent myself the best way I can, so I decided to put in some of my note cards and one of my pendants in each bag. The notecards really represent who I am; they show my whole mandalas with their inspirational sayings. My pendant on the other hand shows how I like to use small abstract areas of them. (And of course maybe a celeb will actually wear one somewhere... they can't wear a note card!)
This week I've been printing notecards, making samples and playing with the packaging. Here are a couple of photos I took today. I've changed the jewelry tin to a kraft box and printed some new tags for the drawstring since the last photo. I also started to design a small bio sheet that shows some more of my designs. I'm still deciding how to frame my print for the display. Hopefully I'll have something to show in next couple of weeks.

I've also been trying to catch up on my blog reading. (I know I should be reading my book club book instead!) I always search for really good creative blogs. I have learned so much about materials, sources, venues, business and everything handmade through artisans all over the world. Creative people are such a wonderful, giving community. Many artists share inspiration, ideas and tips and more for other creative souls. We should say thank you and pay it forward.
The first pay it forward goes out to The Artisan Group. They are incredible in every way. They are supportive and helpful every step of the way as we journey to the Emmy's. Their blog is full of information about us including links to our own blogs, giveaways and general information about the group. Right now they are running a giveaway for when they reach 300 Facebook fans, so sign up! Here is the link They also just had their first of three twitter parties leading up to the Emmy's and the next one is in Thursday, July 14th at 8pm. I will be giving away one of my notecard sets as a prize to one of the lucky winners. For more information go to

The second pay it forward goes out to Kelly Rae Roberts. If you don't who she is, she is as she puts it, an "artist, author and possibilitarian". I took an e-course with her last June called "Flying Lessons, Tips and Tricks to Help Your Creative Business Soar". It really helped me overcome my "fear of flying" as she says, to believe in myself and realize that I can accomplish anything I want to. She writes a great blog, which openly talks about her journey that has taken her to what I call "creative stardom". Her blog on Monday thanked the people who have help her and talked about how it basically takes a "village" to have a creative business. It's where I got my "pay it forward" theme for this week. Here is the link to her blog
And while I'm on the subject of gratitude... I sit in my studio everyday and feel so lucky that I have the support and love of my family and friends to take on this adventure. I have always dreamed of having a little space that is just my own, to draw, to create, to dream... and I thank my husband for letting me spread out and create a area just for me, that inspires me to work. It may be a little cluttered, but it's well organized and full of inspiration. Thank you!