Be Unique...
Celebrate the Diversity of Cultures in this Country...
I love the line from Maya Angelou's poem "Human Family" that reads, "We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.” This is so true, from how we love our children, care for our elders, want a good life for our families to how we just enjoy the simple things in life like music, dancing, gardening or cooking.
Though we are all essentially the same, our different traditions and customs make this country unique and special. The United States is like a tapestry of fabric squares that when all sewn together, make one beautiful quilt. Learning about people from different backgrounds and sharing our own, only enrich our lives and break down cultural barriers. Living in a diverse environment and experiencing new smells, sounds, tastes and colors, makes us more innovative and creative. You can start by celebrating the diversity in your own neighborhood and expanding your senses to a new and exciting world living right outside your doors.