Be Balanced
Balancing your life means leaving time for you too.
Today balancing your life is more challenging than ever. Many of us have had to learn to work and be productive in different ways. Being home more means more cooking and cleaning. It may also mean balancing work life with home schooling your kids. Whatever your day looks like, you need to try and find a balance that not only lets you feel like you have accomplished the day's tasks but that you have left yourself time for self care, something we often forget about. Whatever you do make sure you reward yourself each day with "me" time, whether it's reading, flipping through your growing magazine stack, or binging an episode of your favorite TV show.
This mandala print is split into five quadrants representing different parts of your life. Maybe yours is home, work, kids and family and the fifth is saved for self care. In the center the floral elements create a hidden star representing you, elegantly handling all that comes you way and balancing it all equally. It's a calm reminder that you've got this and that you can do it all.